Friday 27 April 2012

Dove Hair

Dove is a very well known and respected brand of body and hair care products. they are known for thier attempts to stop female stereotypes in the media, to get rid of the perfect models and use real people in thier ads. Sadly even this titan for Female equality falls into stereotyping. In this ad for hair gel they use a character from SCOOBY DOO and show how thier product makes her attractive.

There is only one brand that can make you go from Dork to Hot.
 This ad is very clever. It uses Concept #3, "Media use 'the language of persuasion.'" Dove uses this concept to apeal to us. They try and use something that we know, and build off that so as to intice us into buying thier product. The people who made this add decided to use humour to grab our attention. everyone knows that Velma is considered to be the ugly one in the Scooby Doo Cast. She is homly and has very bad style. Dove plays off this by taking her and making her beautiful. Even the ugliest girl can be beautiful with tghier product. this makes people laugh and makes them want to by the product because they enjoyed the add.

Concept #2says, "Media messages affect or thoughts, attitudes and actions."Look  at how Velma looks after she uses the gel. her hair is smooth and styled, she takes her glasses off and looks filled with pride. Her freckles are less visibleand she stands taller.Sge is showing a lot more skin in the second image. Her breasts are more visible and defined. They are saying that if you want to be beautiful, you need to look a certain way. This ad is telling the viewers that beaty is based on how much skin you show and how big your breasts are. a woman should be asflawless as possible and is only beautiful if she looks a certain way. Velma is not good lokking before, but if she uses thier product she can be beautiful. Thias makes women want to use thier products to make up for thier own imperfections. people will act and dress a certain way just because this ad tells them thy aren't good enough.

Who is better looking? We have been trained to think that the one showing more skin and with bigger breasts is better!

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